Posted January 1, 2013 by Team AnalyticpediA in Analytics

Human face of big data: Book Review


Big Data has created a buzz in the IT field. But now apart from the ITES companies  the publishers too have joined the bandwagon of big data. A latest book on Big Data “The Human face of Big Data” has become quite popular with trail of applications on ipad and other platforms. These iPad applications are also targeting to enter into a majestic journey of discovery about our huge data of our planet. The free app brings text content into real life by providing access to video and other rich media content. The free app is available for download on iOS and Android devices. The book contains big data related stuffs created by scores of writers, designers and photojournalists.

This masterpiece titled “Human Face of Big Data” has illustrated some interesting ways the big data is helping the human civilisation by shaping our behaviour and streamline our solution towards various problems. The book conceives that the planet is developing a networked system which has a potential to surpass the Internet in future. A synonymous project with the name “Human face of big data” is the brainchild of Rick Smolan and his partner Jennifer Erwitt and is being supported by EMC, Cisco and FedEx. Rick says that “Our goal is to help people better understand, visualize and navigate the wild and uncharted territory of big data”.

The author also aim to place the book into the hands of 10,000 global evangelists to spark of a conversation about a data revolution that is encompassing our business, academia, government, health care as well as everyday life. This revolution is enabling the humanity in sensing, measuring and understanding the various aspects of our existence which could be beyond the imagination of ancestors. Author has explained how real time sensing and visualization of data from various sources has the potential to change the human life on earth.

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