Posted June 6, 2012 by RhoBeta in Newscategory

Oracle to acquire Collective Intellect: Enters social media analytics War

oracle Analyticpedia
oracle Analyticpedia

American corporation Oracle, that specializes in computing hardware and database management systems for enterprises, will be buying Collective Intellect, according to reports. The Collective Intellect announcement comes nearly two weeks after Oracle said it planned to buy Virtue, a cloud-based social marketing company. In a statement released Tuesday, Oracle officials said that if both deals close as expected, the technologies would combine with Oracle’s software-as-a-service and social offering and result in “the most advanced and comprehensive social relationship platform.”

Collective Intellect’s offerings for BPM, CRM and monitoring are based on capabilities for real-time monitoring and analysis of public and private information, with a particular focus on social media interactions, according to its website. Its customers include Walmart, Nestle Purina and CBS.Collective Intellect is a company that assists businesses in gaining information and consumer analytics from social networks — in particular, Facebook and Twitter pages. Collective Intellect uses its web-based text mining and analytics software to help its customers to collect and process information from online consumer conversations and other available content. Private and public data can be monitored through its software in order to monitor consumer intentions, preferences and patterns.

Oracle’s leading sales, marketing, service, commerce, social data management and analytics, combined with Collective Intellect and the recently announced pending acquisition of Vitrue, is expected to  create the most advanced and comprehensive social relationship platform. By integrating Collective Intellect with Oracle’s Software-as-a-Service products and Social Platform, Oracle will enable marketing organizations to create more targeted marketing campaigns; help customer service teams respond quickly to customer feedback on social media; generate targeted leads and opportunities for sales teams; and strengthen how companies build more effective brands using the Internet and social media. The combination is expected to enable organizations to build stronger relationships with consumers through intelligent understanding of their social conversations and to respond with appropriate action and engagement.


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