Big data to save taxpayers money

The latest report by Policy Exchange about the Big Data and the different opportunities has an important lesson for Governments around the Globe. The London based organization has prepared the report in order to assist the UK government in data policy and e-governance. The think tank has suggested that Government can make better use of the public data thereby improving efficiency and saving the taxpayer money. Although the author Chris Yiu has not mentioned specific tool or technology, but has d9ivulged about the need of big data analytic application.
The report has estimated that the public sector could save up to 33 billion pound per year just by using the data efficiently. The data optimization can further help government reducing fraud and error in the various public programs .There is huge volume of data stored in the various public service departments which are involved in managing welfare payments and national health services, issuing passports and driving licences. Among the various suggestions there is an emphasis on finding ways for data collaboration and usages which has an immense potential to save time for citizens and money for taxpayers.
To improve government’s use of data Policy Exchange has called for the creation of a ‘Data Force’ unit to examine information across the public departments and identify possibilities of cost cutting. The report has hinted that the government could save billion pounds by investing in the cutting edge technology and analytics. All the modern analytical technology are equipped to deal with the challenges being faced by the Government. The major targets of this proposed ‘Data Force’ unit should be tax avoidance and benefit fraud as mentioned in the report. The UK Government has welcomed the suggestions of the report. The Cabinet Office spokesperson was found saying that the government should run like the best-run businesses and it is committed to improve the functions and bring transparency to the existing system.