Posts Tagged ‘Dashboard’
HootSuite dashboard to integrate Webtrends
HootSuite has announced about its future collaborative strategy with the Webtrends Analytics tools. The new dashboard would be equipped with the Webtrends Analytics with full integration. This step by the web analytics champion...
Nielsen improves online advertisement analytics with vizu
With the recent acquisition of Vizu, Nielsen improves its online and cross-platform advertising campaign measurement and advertising solutions, by adding real-time online effectiveness measurement. This acquisition is a continu...
Mobile Avatar of Google Analytics
Google Analytics, the company's service for tracking and analyzing Web traffic, is going to be available in mobile version. Google has made announcement regarding the enhancements to its analytics service, a series of reports c...
Acunote launches management analytics for online project management
Acunote, announced its Management Analytics solution as part of its new class of business software, Management Intelligence. Acunote Management Analytics empowers executives and managers with real-time data insights that increa...
Revolutionizing with Balanced Scorecard
The idea behind the balanced scorecard is to give decision makers a performance measurement and planning tool that is easy to understand and focused, and that can help the company link its strategic plan with key performance in...
CRM in Internet Era
In the Customer Relationship Management Strategy over internet, we can use new rules and the new tools offered by e-commerce to satisfy our customers. The Internet can enable and empower the customer relationship management str...