Posts Tagged ‘statistics’
Criminals Beware: Analytics in Police Department
In an attempt to make the police department proactive and improve city security the Charleston Police Department, South Carolina, USA is using computer software to better identify crime hot spots and prevent crimes before they ...
PG Certificate in Market Research and Data Analytics
Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA) in association with Ivory Education has now launched the one year online Post Graduate Certificate in Market Research and Data Analytics (PGCMRDA).This program focuses on buil...
International Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence@IIMA 2013
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad has announced the 3rd international conference dedicated to advanced data analysis, business analytics and business intelligenceto be held in 2013 April.
Genetic Algorithm Applications
The advantage of the GA approach is the ease with which it can handle arbitrary kinds of constraints and objectives; all such things can be handled as weighted components of the fitness function, making it easy to adapt the GA ...
Collaborative Course for Analytics
Kelley School of Business of Indiana University has introduced year-long certificate programmes in business analytics and global strategy in collaboration with IIM Lucknow. The two graduate-level certificate programmes, in part...
Matlab Data Analysis: Cheat Codes
Matlab Data Analysis Codes and Commands for various Statistics and Analytical Techniques.Following post covers basic codes which would be useful to run data analysis on Matlab tool.
Conjoint Analysis: Simple but Crucial
The main objective behind using conjoint analysis is to find out what combination of a limited number of attributes influences decision making most. It is tested by marketing research companies directly on people.
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
Multidimensional scaling (MDS) provides the researcher with a spatial representation of data that can facilitate interpretation and reveal relationships.Multidimensional scaling (MDS) provides the researcher with a spatial repr...
Correlation is not causation :Essential Dose
"just because two things correlate does not necessarily mean that one causes the other... correlation is not causation"
What is Path Analysis?
Path analysis can be defined as a statistical technique which makes use of multiple regression to test causal relationships between variables. It is used not only to test causal relationships but also to ask questions about the...