Posted June 29, 2012 by Team AnalyticpediA in Analytics

Acunote launches management analytics for online project management

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Acunote, announced its Management Analytics solution as part of its new class of business software, Management Intelligence. Acunote Management Analytics empowers executives and managers with real-time data insights that increase productivity, save time and costs, and improve collaboration among software development, I.T., marketing, and customer service teams in a wide range of industries. Acunote solves this problem by automatically capturing and analyzing execution data in real-time to create burndown charts that predict and track the progress of individuals and entire teams for each project. Individual team members, project managers, and executives alike can quickly see which tasks need to be completed by whom and by what date, even if plans change during a project.

Acunote Management Analytics is a new solution that aggregates, segments and presents this execution data to drive key business decisions and to determine how, when, and where resources should be allocated most efficiently. Unlike other solutions, Acunote provides executives and project managers with a much faster, easier, more accurate, and scalable way to align resource use with overall company objectives, to predict how and when projects will be done, and to finish work on time and within budget.

This data-driven approach, the company said, offers increased productivity because of a better integration between teams and individuals, and improved predictability due to a more accurate forecast of task completions across teams.  The Acunote software presents actual project progress instead of only projected progress, generates reports for any level of the team or company, provides a company-wide tool, and integrates with existing tools, including Google Apps, source control systems such as Subversion, and bugtrackers like Bugzilla.

acunote analyticpedia Acunote launches management analytics for online project management

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