Social Media
Video: Facebook Insights Tutorial
Learn about Facebook Insights:Analytics of your page and how to improve the reach! Watch through the series by Social Sneakers
Veooz launched by Setu software
Indian startup SETU Software launches a free tool that provides real-time social media search and analytics on any topic of interest. Veooz, pronounced as views, computes sentiment on a very large number of topics dis...
HootSuite dashboard to integrate Webtrends
HootSuite has announced about its future collaborative strategy with the Webtrends Analytics tools. The new dashboard would be equipped with the Webtrends Analytics with full integration. This step by the web analytics champion...
Curious case of analytics politics
Google Analytics in Cuba could not be accessed on Tuesday and people were encountered with a message referring people to a website for the US Treasury Department Office of Foreign Asset Control. Cubadebate branded the move by G...
“To be or not to be” on Facebook : GM Story
GM dropped its Facebook ads because they were less effective than other options such as Google’s AdSense,. Facebook’s ads garner about half the clicks per page view, a measure of effectiveness, compared with the average website...
Sports Analytics, Injury and IBM
Predictive analytics has become an integral part of the sports world. The project between the Leicester Tigers and IBM is part of a growing trend among all types of organizations to uncover hidden patterns in data in order to p...
Moneyball Analytics
The new movie Moneyball (and the book on which it is based) extol the virtues of employing nontraditional thinking and measurement in major league baseball.Oscar-nominated film Moneyball has inspired a data revolution of sorts ...
Twitter Adopts the Google Way
Micro-blogging site Twitter has acquired social-media analytics company according to a notice on the website.. Hotspots’ staff would join Twitter’s revenue engineering team which would focus on developin...
Social Media Analytics and Box Office
Fizziology monitors social media buzz from Facebook, Twitter and blogs on everything from movies to actors to sporting events. It provides real-time information from the world’s largest, fastest, most honest focus group — socia...
Predict Stock Market Via Twitter: Sentiment Analysis
By implementing a prediction model called a Self-Organizing Fuzzy Neural Network (SOFFNN) similar to one already used to successfully forecast electrical load needs, the researchers were able to demonstrate that public mood had...