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Kontangent:User Analytics for Social and Mobile Web



Release date: 2007
Version: 2012
Download Link: http://www.kontagent.com
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137 total ratings



Real time monitoring as a competitive edge wrt market products,dollar value incorporated


Not a Utility tool,so usage cost is high in comparison to Google Analytics & other free products in the market.

Product Profile

Kontagent is the leading user analytics platform for developers, marketers, product managers, and strategic partners across the social and mobile web. Our proprietary platform kSuite has been built from the ground up to provide deep social data pattern visualization and analysis that delivers actionable insights via an on-demand services.

Posted January 8, 2013 by

AnalyticpediA View

Kontagent is the leading user analytics platform for developers, marketers, product managers and strategic partners. Their proprietary platform kSuite has been built from the ground up to provide deep social data pattern visualization and analysis that delivers actionable insights via an on-demand service. Kontagent tracks more than 1,000 social applications, over 150 million monthly active users, and in excess of 15,000 messages every second.  Kontagent is funded by Battery Ventures, ALTOS Ventures and Maverick Capital, with additional funding from Facebook and other well known angel investors.

With Kontagent, customers can leverage its analytics to get the insights they want. Feature of flexible custom event tagging ensures user can gain visibility into any slice of his/her application, no matter how granular. They also have custom dashboards for executives as well which ensure top-line metrics are available.

The features of Kontangent:

User Acquisition Analysis:Create segments within campaigns to track behavior, and filter by install date to analyze the metrics on a cohorted basis.

Engagement & Retention Insights:From retention tracking by day, week or monthly cohorts to user session insights,each metric takes an end user’s key considerations into account when analyzing trends.

Viral Channel Tracking:An accurate viral coefficient by channel tracked via the dashboard is crucial in determining how effective marketing efforts, viral and game mechanics are.

Custom Events Tagging and Timeline Analysis:Are you looking for deeper granular insights? Their custom event tagging allows user to pinpoint any event inside the application where they need visibility. Tagging custom properties to each event and slicing event data by these unique properties in our dashboard.

Funnel Analysis: Build funnels on the fly with drag and drop feature. Creates a step from any custom unique event inside user application, and analyze drop off percentages in his user flows.

Virtual Economy Tuning:With virtual currency a standard for social game developers, tracking virtual economy performance is crucial in ensuring a balance of currency inside a social game.

Revenue Tracking:With the proliferation of payment options its crucial to gain visibility into conversion rates, volume and transaction amounts of your revenue streams. Whether it be hard or soft currency, track all incoming and outgoing cash flows and ensure user’s game mechanics are translating into an improving bottom line.

Real-Time Application Monitoring:K’s real-time monitoring application regularly processes over 10,000 social events per second. In the rapid-fire release culture of data-driven design, SAMS can detect operational issues with new releases, often much sooner than current systems in place.

The key attributes because of which it can be a fit application to use are:

  • Insights available for Everyone
  • Built for scale
  • Proprietary metrics for patterns of success
  • Confidence through proven expertise


Avatar of RhoBeta
Expertise in Analytics Tools,Software,technology.


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