Author Archive
Fizziology Analyticpedia
Fizziology Analyticpedia
Fizziology Analyticpedia

Social Media Analytics and Box Office

Fizziology monitors social media buzz from Facebook, Twitter and blogs on everything from movies to actors to sporting events. It provides real-time information from the world’s largest, fastest, most honest focus group — socia...
Genome Yahoo Analyticpedia
Genome Yahoo Analyticpedia
Genome Yahoo Analyticpedia

Yahoo in Big Data Race with Genome

Genome, is designed to help companies deliver more targeted online advertising and marketing campaigns. Genome is scheduled to become available in July and will let online advertisers sift through and analyse massive amounts of...
Twitter Sentimen Analysis Analyticpedia
Twitter Sentimen Analysis Analyticpedia
Twitter Sentimen Analysis Analyticpedia

Predict Stock Market Via Twitter: Sentiment Analysis

By implementing a prediction model called a Self-Organizing Fuzzy Neural Network (SOFFNN) similar to one already used to successfully forecast electrical load needs, the researchers were able to demonstrate that public mood had...

PI analyticpedia
PI analyticpedia
PI analyticpedia

Movie@ Analyticpedia Pi: 1998

Here is a great movie about pattern and symbols found in nature. The way protagonist finds a peculiar pattern in each and every thing is almost bizarre yet not unbelievable. The hero believes that nature works in mathematician'...
matlab codes 7
matlab codes 7
matlab codes 7

Matlab Data Analysis: Cheat Codes

Matlab Data Analysis Codes and Commands for various Statistics and Analytical Techniques.Following post covers basic codes which would be useful to run data analysis on Matlab tool.
spss quick book 1
spss quick book 1
spss quick book 1

Data Analysis in SPSS Quick Book

SPSS stands for Statistical Package for Social Science.General Purpose of SPSS is to used as Statistical Software.Following post takes us all quickly through common statistical techniques:How to perform in SPSS.

telecom fraud 1
telecom fraud 1
telecom fraud 1

Fraud Analytics in Telecom: SAVIOR of Bad Times

Global Telecommunications industry estimate the fraud to be one of the most acute and persistent problems.Estimates of yearly fraudulent losses run up to $10 million according to industry reports.
HR Analytics
HR Analytics
HR Analytics

Applications of HR Analytics

HR managers look for getting an insight into how the organization's competitiveness and performance has changed over a period with respect to the employee’s performances. They would like to measure and analyze how their departm...
CRM Strategy
CRM Strategy
CRM Strategy

CRM in Internet Era

In the Customer Relationship Management Strategy over internet, we can use new rules and the new tools offered by e-commerce to satisfy our customers. The Internet can enable and empower the customer relationship management str...

Marketing Performance Measures
Marketing Performance Measures
Marketing Performance Measures

Performance Measures in Marketing

Marketing performance measurement is used to describe the analysis and improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of marketing. Marketers are trying hard to measure marketing performance in the various endeavors of marketi...